the hongkong and shanghai banking corporation limited, hsbc holdings plc, a wholly owned subsidiary of the company, is a founding member of the hsbc group as well as the flagship in the asia pacific region is the largest bank incorporated in hong kong,headquartered in the central no. 1 queen's road central, hong kong, hsbc main building, hong kong and shanghai banking corporation and its subsidiaries are principally engaged in the establishment of the asia-pacific region about 700 branches and offices.
汇丰集团(the hongkongand shanghai banking corporation limited---hsbc)是规模更大的银行及金融机构之一,总部设于英国伦敦。汇丰集团在欧洲、亚太地区、美洲、中东及非洲76个国家和地区拥有约9,500间附属机构。汇丰在伦敦、香港、纽约、巴黎及百慕大等证券交易所上市,股东约有200,000,分布于100个国家和地区。雇有232000名员工。汇丰银行在拥有超过1亿1千万的顾客。
hsbc (the hongkongand shanghai banking corporation limited - hsbc) is one of the world's largest banks and financial institutions, is headquartered in london, england. hsbc group in europe, asia pacific, america, middle east and africa between 76 countries and regions, with about 9500 subsidiaries. hsbc in london, hong kong, new york, paris and bermuda stock exchange, the world about 200000 shareholders, distributed in 100 countries and regions. employs 232000 workers. hsbc has more than 110 million customers around the world.
the general counsel mr sihan wang of wewin was invited to explain building and geomancy for hsbc and abn's vip by ziyu mansion in may 25, 2008. mr sihan pointed out that people living in the house being able to receive information on a variety of natural effects, such as physical effects can be conducted through the optic nerve, play physical and chemical effects. feng shui involves a variety of natural environments, soil, geology, light, temperature, climate, magnetic field, landscape, etc., are directly or indirectly, explicitly or implicitly to the human body produces different effects.
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