





background of the project:

       iron and steel industry is an important basic industry in china's national economy, which has made great progress since the reform and opening up. since 1996, steel production has ranked first in the world for 13 consecutive years. in 2008, steel production reached 502 million tons, accounting for 37.8% of the global total, which is equivalent to the total output of the eight countries ranked second to ninth. although the yield is high, there are also many problems. the market competition is increasingly fierce. driven by the real estate boom, china's iron and steel industry is developing rapidly. driven by interests, domestic steel production is structurally excessive. iron and steel enterprises are generally facing tremendous pressure of survival, and competition is very stimulating. at present, the viability of domestic small and medium-sized products and low-grade products is in a relatively surplus state, while the self-sufficiency rate of high-additional intelligent products is low, and most of them rely on imports. with the continuous opening of the domestic market, domestic steel products are facing the impact of imported steel. from the analysis of economic scale, china's iron and steel industry has developed rapidly in recent years. several state-owned iron and steel companies have enlarged in scale. at the same time, many small enterprises have developed vigorously. faced with the rapid development of the iron and steel industry and the rapid increase of output, it can be seen that the scale economic effect of china's iron and steel industry is not obvious, or even uneconomical in scale. therefore, the reform of production organization mode in china's iron and steel industry has been initiated and is imperative.



       六安自古以来就是进出中原的门户,交通区位优势明显;周边200km半径内没有大的钢铁企业,而本区域经济极快,对钢材需求量较大,运输成本低,竞争优势明显;铁矿远景储量在30亿顿,且分布集中,品质好;水库众多,基础设施完善。2018 年行业新增产能或低于市场预期。具体而言,由于绝大多数产能投放是置换而来,这并不影响行业总产能的变化,但考虑到 2017 年供给侧改革中去除的部分钢企原本具有电弧炉生产资质, 加上超高盈利状态下市场自发追加部分产能, 后续电弧炉建成投放后将形成产能增量,因此 2018 年的新增产能中需重点关注电炉钢产能投放进度与行政管束之间的角力情况;整合重组提高企业集中度,形成具有国际竞争力的龙头钢铁集团企业,国外钢铁产业集中度很高,在钢铁生产技术和高端钢材方面处于有利地位,其盈利能力高于国内钢铁企业,因此,提高产业集中度势在必行,先做大在做强是钢铁产业发展的必由之路。


       since ancient times, lu'an has been the gateway to enter and exit the central plains, with obvious advantages in transportation location; there are no large iron and steel enterprises in the radius of 200 km around it, while the regional economy is very fast, with large demand for steel, low transportation cost and obvious competitive advantages; the prospective reserves of iron ore are 3 billion tons, and the distribution is concentrated, the quality is good; the reservoirs are numerous, and the foundation is obvious. the facilities are perfect. the industry's new capacity in 2018 may be below market expectations. specifically, since the vast majority of production capacity is replaced, this does not affect the change of the industry's total production capacity, but considering that some of the steel enterprises removed from the supply side reform in 2017 originally have the production qualification of electric arc furnace, and the market spontaneously adds part of the production capacity under the ultra-high profit state, the subsequent electric arc furnace will shape after completion and putting into operation. incremental production capacity, therefore, in 2018, we need to focus on the contention between the delivery schedule of eaf steel production capacity and the administrative management bundles; integrate and restructure to improve enterprise concentration and form a world-class steel group enterprise with international competitiveness. the concentration of foreign steel industry is very high, and in steel production technology and high-end steel. material is in an advantageous position, and its profitability is higher than that of domestic iron and steel enterprises. therefore, it is imperative to improve industrial concentration. the only way for the development of iron and steel industry is to expand and strengthen first.






       lu'an is famous in the period of emperor wudi of han dynasty. it has the meaning of "six places are peaceful and never rebel". after thousands of years of historical precipitation, it has rich cultural connotations. in addition, there are a lot of natural resources, which can be said to be outstanding. in the strategy of lu'an, it symbolizes that the enterprise integrates many advantages, adheres to the management criteria and never forgets its original intention, so that the enterprise image can stand in an invincible position. it is used for the strategy of the steel company, which is rich in local characteristics and has sufficient support to carry the business scope of your enterprise. "lu'an", as the strategy of an enterprise, is simple enough and clear enough to be remembered by the target audience at the first time, thus forming recognition and recognition. this powerful word greatly improves the brand awareness. and it is descriptive and recognizable. in the aspect of word-of-mouth communication, the strategy has high awareness, strategic significance, great potential, can save a lot of communication and marketing costs, and can also accumulate brand assets.





背景: 1990年,取自pattison先生和nick horswell 及jonathan durden三位创始人姓氏首字母的phd在英国伦敦成立。作为家策略媒体机构,经过几年的成功运营,1998年

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